Source code for pyqubes.vm

#!/usr/bin/env python
Python objects representing QubesOS objects

import pyqubes.constants
import pyqubes.enact
import pyqubes.qvm
import pyqubes.validate

class VMMagicFirewall(object):
    Helper class for opening and closing the VM fireall automatically
    :param vm: A ``VM`` instance.
    def __init__(self, vm):
        self.vm = vm

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

class VMMagicAnimate(object):
    Helper class for starting and shutting down the VM automatically
    :param vm: A ``VM`` instance.
    def __init__(self, vm):
        self.vm = vm

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

[docs]class VM(object): ''' The VM object represants a QubesOS VM. Its methods are common accross both AppVMs and TemplateVMs. VM should not be instanciated directly - use TemplateVM or AppVM. By default, all VMs are Fedora 23 based. Other values are listed in ``pyqubes.constants`` ''' def __init__(self, name, proactive=False, operating_system=pyqubes.constants.FEDORA_23): = pyqubes.validate.linux_hostname(name) self.proactive = proactive self.operating_system = operating_system self.enact_function = if proactive else pyqubes.enact.echo self.animate = VMMagicAnimate(self) self.internet = VMMagicFirewall(self)
[docs] def enact(self, args): ''' Enact a list of command arguments using the VM's ``enact_function`` Any one of the functions in ``pyqubes.qubes``,``pyqubes.qubesdb`` or ``pyqubes.qvm`` will return arguments in the correct format. ''' return self.enact_function(args)
[docs] def info(self, info): ''' Echo information from pyqubes using the VM's enact method ''' info = '{0}|{1}'.format(, info) return self.enact(
# Direct command bindings
[docs] def run(self, command, quote=True, **kwargs): ''' Run a command on the VM. Please note: * ``--pass-io`` is always set, to run commands synchronously * Commands are automatically encapsulated in single quotes:: vm = TemplateVM('spam')'echo "foo bar"') # produces: qvm-run spam 'echo "foo bar"' :param bool quote: By default command is single quoted - set ``False`` to disable ''' if quote: command = "'{0}'".format(command) kwargs.update({ 'pass_io': True })'Running command {0}'.format(command)) return self.enact(pyqubes.qvm.qvm_run(, command, **kwargs))
[docs] def shutdown(self, **kwargs): ''' Shutdown the Please note: * ``--wait`` is always set, to run commands synchronously ''' kwargs.update({ 'wait': True })'Shutting down') return self.enact(pyqubes.qvm.qvm_shutdown(, **kwargs))
[docs] def start(self, **kwargs): ''' Start the VM explicitly. In most cases you should use``with vm.animate``:: vm = TemplateVM('foo') # Template is not started on instanciation with vm.animate: # Template is now running vm.update() # VM is shut down automatically ''''Starting') return self.enact(pyqubes.qvm.qvm_start(, **kwargs))
[docs] def firewall(self, **kwargs): ''' Edit the VM firewall ''''Adjusting firewall') return self.enact(pyqubes.qvm.qvm_firewall(, **kwargs))
[docs] def remove(self, **kwargs): ''' Remove the VM ''''Removing') return self.enact(pyqubes.qvm.qvm_remove(, **kwargs))
# Helper functions
[docs] def firewall_open(self): ''' Can be explicity called to open the VM firewall to 'allow'. In most cases you should use``with vm.internet``:: vm = TemplateVM('foo') with vm.animate: # Templates are offline be default with vm.internet: # Template now has unrestricted internet access'curl') # Firewall is restored automatically # This will now fail'curl') ''''Opening firewall') return self.enact(pyqubes.qvm.qvm_firewall(, set_policy='allow'))
[docs] def firewall_close(self): ''' Can be explicity called to close the VM firewall to 'deny'. ''''Closing firewall') return self.enact(pyqubes.qvm.qvm_firewall(, set_policy='deny'))
# TODO: Could TemplateVM and AppVM have metaclassed magic methods?
[docs]class TemplateVM(VM): ''' TemplateVM - for installing apps ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TemplateVM, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def clone(self, clone_name, **kwargs): ''' Clone the TemplateVM and return a new TemplateVM :param string clone_name: Name of the new VM :returns: The new ``TemplateVM`` instance ''''Cloning to \'{0}\''.format(clone_name)) self.enact(pyqubes.qvm.qvm_clone(, clone_name, **kwargs)) return TemplateVM(clone_name, proactive=self.proactive, operating_system=self.operating_system)
[docs] def create_app(self, app_name, **kwargs): ''' Create and return a new AppVM based on the TemplateVM. Please note: * If ``label`` is not set, it will default to ``red`` :param string app_name: Name of the new VM :returns: The new ``AppVM`` instance ''' kwargs.update({ 'template':, 'label': kwargs['label'] if kwargs.get('label', None) else pyqubes.constants.RED })'Creating app \'{0}\''.format(app_name)) self.enact(pyqubes.qvm.qvm_create(app_name, **kwargs)) return AppVM(app_name, proactive=self.proactive, operating_system=self.operating_system)
[docs] def update(self): ''' Smartly runs the relevant package manager updates for the TemplateVM ''' if self.operating_system in pyqubes.constants.FEDORA_ALL: update_command = "sudo dnf -y upgrade --refresh" elif self.operating_system in pyqubes.constants.DEBIAN_ALL: update_command = "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade" else: raise ValueError("Could not update TemplateVM '{0}': Unknown OS '{1}'".format(, self.operating_system))'Updating') return
[docs]class AppVM(VM): ''' AppVM - for running apps ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AppVM, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)